Life-Threatening Illness/PTSD-LTI
Life-Threatening Illness/PTSD-LTI: Coalition for the development of recognition of PTSD in survivors of LTIs
Projected Budget: $25,000
The Ketamine Research Foundation is supporting the expansion of the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnosis to Include the impact on the vast and increasing number of survivors of life-Threatening Illnesses. That initiative arises from the MDMA MAPS sponsored study and publication of LTI-PTSD with anxiety and trauma–and the accompanying paper by Wolfson on the spectrum of LTI-PTSD revealed by that study. In response, a coalition of palliative care practitioners, oncologists, psychiatrists, mental health workers and hospice practitioners is forming. Our goals are the expansion of awareness of the problem, research, and impact on programs involved in the treatment of survivors and their quality of life. With KRF sponsoring its end-of-life study with similar goals, we will be convening a retreat of practitioners from multiple disciplines to develop programs and organization.